Formal Methods

Quantum-Inspired Classical Computing (QuICC) (DARPA)

Symbiotic Design for Cyber Physical Systems (DARPA)

Trojans in Artificial Intelligence (IARPA)

Assured Neuro Symbolic Learning and Reasoning (DARPA)

Assured Autonomy (DARPA)

Intent-Defined Adaptive Software (DARPA)

Self-Improving Cyber-Physical Systems (NSF CPS Small)

Duality-Based Algorithm Synthesis (NSF EAGER)

iDECODe: In-distribution Equivariance for Conformal Out-of-distribution Detection

Machine learning methods such as deep neural networks (DNNs), despite their success across different domains, are known to often generate incorrect predictions with high confidence on inputs outside their training distribution. The deployment of DNNs in safety-critical domains requires detection of out-of-distribution (OOD) data so that DNNs can abstain from making predictions on those. A number of methods have been recently developed for OOD detection, but there is still room for improvement. We propose the new method iDECODe, leveraging in-distribution equivariance for conformal OOD detection. It relies on a novel base non-conformity measure and a new aggregation method, used in the inductive conformal anomaly detection framework, thereby guaranteeing a bounded false detection rate. We demonstrate the efficacy of iDECODe by experiments on image and audio datasets, obtaining state-of-the-art results. We also show that iDECODe can detect adversarial examples.

Detecting out-of-context objects using graph contextual reasoning network.

This paper presents an approach to detect out-of-context (OOC) objects in an image. Given an image with a set of objects, our goal is to determine if an object is inconsistent with the scene context and detect the OOC object with a bounding box. In this work, we consider commonly explored contextual relations such as co-occurrence relations, the relative size of an object with respect to other objects, and the position of the object in the scene. We posit that contextual cues are useful to determine object labels for in-context objects and inconsistent context cues are detrimental to determining object labels for out-of-context objects. To realize this hypothesis, we propose a graph contextual reasoning network (GCRN) to detect OOC objects. GCRN consists of two separate graphs to predict object labels based on the contextual cues in the image - 1) a representation graph to learn object features based on the neighboring objects and 2) a context graph to explicitly capture contextual cues from the neighboring objects. GCRN explicitly captures the contextual cues to improve the detection of in-context objects and identify objects that violate contextual relations. In order to evaluate our approach, we create a large-scale dataset by adding OOC object instances to the COCO images. We also evaluate on recent OCD benchmark. Our results show that GCRN outperforms competitive baselines in detecting OOC objects and correctly detecting in-context objects.