Trinity4Cyber (US Govt.) [SRI funding: 2.5M]


Abstract: SRI is extending Trinity (Trustworthy Robust and Interpretable AI) developed in DARPA Assured Autonomy, ARL IoBT Neuro-symbolic Robust Learning and Inference, and DARPA Assured Neuro-symbolic Learning programs for cybersecurity applications. The emergence of code models and large language models is fundamentally shifting the threat space in cyber domain with attacker able to leverage AI/ML methods to create malware and launch network intrusion or advanced persistent threat attacks. We are developing AI/ML methods to defend against these threats. In ongoing work, SRI is addressing several challenges that include creating a generative AI to monitor and detect attacks where adversaries reuse existing utilities on a system and bypass all existing anti-malware defenses, and providing assurance in terms of faithfulness and relevance of context and response.

Susmit Jha
Susmit Jha
Technical Director, NuSCI

My research interests include artificial intelligence, formal methods, machine learning and dynamical systems.
