
Assured Neuro Symbolic Learning and Reasoning (DARPA) [SRI funding: 5.4M]

 FLASH: Functionality-based Logic-driven Anchors with Semantic Hierarchy (DARPA) [SRI funding: 2.1M]

Neuro-symbolic Co-designer for Symbiotic Design of Cyber Physical Systems (DARPA) : [SRI funding: 5.63M ]

Trojans in Artificial Intelligence (IARPA) [SRI funding: 7.22M]

ALES in Assured Autonomy (DARPA) [SRI funding: 2.02M]

Quantum-Inspired Classical Computing (QuICC) (DARPA) [SRI funding: 12.5M]

Intent-Defined Adaptive Software (DARPA) [SRI funding: 3.99M]

Safe Assured Neuro-Symbolic AI Agent (SANSA) for Health (ARPA-H) [SRI funding: 9.75M]

Trinity4Cyber (US Govt.) [SRI funding: 2.5M]

Self-Improving Cyber-Physical Systems (NSF CPS Small) [SRI funding: 500K]