
Detecting Trojaned DNNs using counterfactual attributions

We target the problem of detecting Trojans or backdoors in DNNs. Such models behave normally with typical inputs but produce targeted mispredictions for inputs poisoned with a Trojan trigger. Our approach is based on a novel intuition that the trigger behavior is dependent on a few ghost neurons that are activated for both input classes and trigger pattern. We use counterfactual explanations, implemented as neuron attributions, to measure significance of each neuron in switching predictions to a counter-class. We then incrementally excite these neurons and observe that the model’s accuracy drops sharply for Trojaned models as compared to benign models. We support this observation through a theoretical result that shows the attributions for a Trojaned model are concentrated in a small number of features. We encode the accuracy patterns by using a deep temporal set encoder for trojan detection that enables invariance to model architecture and a number of classes. We evaluate our approach on four US IARPA/NIST-TrojAI benchmarks with high diversity in model architectures and trigger patterns. We show consistent gains over state-of-the-art adversarial attack based model diagnosis (+5.8%absolute) and trigger reconstruction based methods (+23.5%), which often require strong assumptions on the nature of the attack.

Dual-Key Multimodal Backdoors for Visual Question Answering

The success of deep learning has enabled advances in multimodal tasks that require non-trivial fusion of multiple input domains. Although multimodal models have shown potential in many problems, their increased complexity makes them more vulnerable to attacks. A Backdoor (or Trojan) attack is a class of security vulnerability wherein an attacker embeds a malicious secret behavior into a network (e.g. targeted misclassification) that is activated when an attacker-specified trigger is added to an input. In this work, we show that multimodal networks are vulnerable to a novel type of attack that we refer to as Dual-Key Multimodal Backdoors. This attack exploits the complex fusion mechanisms used by state-of-the-art networks to embed backdoors that are both effective and stealthy. Instead of using a single trigger, the proposed attack embeds a trigger in each of the input modalities and activates the malicious behavior only when both the triggers are present. We present an extensive study of multimodal backdoors on the Visual Question Answering (VQA) task with multiple architectures and visual feature backbones. A major challenge in embedding backdoors in VQA models is that most models use visual features extracted from a fixed pretrained object detector. This is challenging for the attacker as the detector can distort or ignore the visual trigger entirely, which leads to models where backdoors are over-reliant on the language trigger. We tackle this problem by proposing a visual trigger optimization strategy designed for pretrained object detectors. Through this method, we create Dual-Key Backdoors with over a 98% attack success rate while only poisoning 1% of the training data. Finally, we release TrojVQA, a large collection of clean and trojan VQA models to enable research in defending against multimodal backdoors.

Principled OOD Detection via Multiple Testing

We study the problem of Out-of-Distribution (OOD) detection, that is, detecting whether a learning algorithm's output can be trusted at inference time. While a number of tests for OOD detection have been proposed in prior work, a formal framework for studying this problem is lacking. We propose a definition for the notion of OOD that includes both the input distribution and the learning algorithm, which provides insights for the construction of powerful tests for OOD detection. We propose a multiple hypothesis testing inspired procedure to systematically combine any number of different statistics from the learning algorithm using conformal p-values. We further provide strong guarantees on the probability of incorrectly classifying an in-distribution sample as OOD. In our experiments, we find that threshold-based tests proposed in prior work perform well in specific settings, but not uniformly well across different types of OOD instances. In contrast, our proposed method that combines multiple statistics performs uniformly well across different datasets and neural networks.

TIJO: Trigger Inversion with Joint Optimization for Defending Multimodal Backdoored Models

We present a Multimodal Backdoor Defense technique TIJO (Trigger Inversion using Joint Optimization). Recent work has demonstrated successful backdoor attacks on multimodal models for the Visual Question Answering task. Their dual-key backdoor trigger is split across two modalities (image and text), such that the backdoor is activated if and only if the trigger is present in both modalities. We propose TIJO that defends against dual-key attacks through a joint optimization that reverse-engineers the trigger in both the image and text modalities. This joint optimization is challenging in multimodal models due to the disconnected nature of the visual pipeline which consists of an offline feature extractor, whose output is then fused with the text using a fusion module. The key insight enabling the joint optimization in TIJO is that the trigger inversion needs to be carried out in the object detection box feature space as opposed to the pixel space. We demonstrate the effectiveness of our method on the TrojVQA benchmark, where TIJO improves upon the state-of-the-art unimodal methods from an AUC of 0.6 to 0.92 on multimodal dual-key backdoors. Furthermore, our method also improves upon the unimodal baselines on unimodal backdoors. We present ablation studies and qualitative results to provide insights into our algorithm such as the critical importance of overlaying the inverted feature triggers on all visual features during trigger inversion. The prototype implementation of TIJO is available at

CODiT: Conformal Out-of-Distribution Detection in Time-Series Data for Cyber-Physical Systems

Machine learning models are prone to making incorrect predictions on inputs that are far from the training distribution. This hinders their deployment in safety-critical applications such as autonomous vehicles and healthcare. The detection of a shift from the training distribution of individual datapoints has gained attention. A number of techniques have been proposed for such out-of-distribution (OOD) detection. But in many applications, the inputs to a machine learning model form a temporal sequence. Existing techniques for OOD detection in time-series data either do not exploit temporal relationships in the sequence or do not provide any guarantees on detection. We propose using deviation from the in-distribution temporal equivariance as the non-conformity measure in conformal anomaly detection framework for OOD detection in time-series data. Computing independent predictions from multiple conformal detectors based on the proposed measure and combining these predictions by Fisher’s method leads to the proposed detector CODiT with guarantees on false detection in time-series data. We illustrate the efficacy of CODiT by achieving stateof-the-art results on computer vision datasets in autonomous driving. We also show that CODiT can be used for OOD detection in non-vision datasets by performing experiments on the physiological GAIT sensory dataset. Code, data, and trained models are available at

Trigger Hunting with a Topological Prior for Trojan Detection

Despite their success and popularity, deep neural networks (DNNs) are vulnerable when facing backdoor attacks. This impedes their wider adoption, especially in mission critical applications. This paper tackles the problem of Trojan detection, namely, identifying Trojaned models -- models trained with poisoned data. One popular approach is reverse engineering, i.e., recovering the triggers on a clean image by manipulating the model's prediction. One major challenge of reverse engineering approach is the enormous search space of triggers. To this end, we propose innovative priors such as diversity and topological simplicity to not only increase the chances of finding the appropriate triggers but also improve the quality of the found triggers. Moreover, by encouraging a diverse set of trigger candidates, our method can perform effectively in cases with unknown target labels. We demonstrate that these priors can significantly improve the quality of the recovered triggers, resulting in substantially improved Trojan detection accuracy as validated on both synthetic and publicly available TrojAI benchmarks.

TrojDRL: Evaluation of Backdoor Attacks on Deep Reinforcement Learning

We present TrojDRL, a tool for exploring and evaluating backdoor attacks on deep reinforcement learning agents. TrojDRL exploits the sequential nature of deep reinforcement learning (DRL) and considers different gradations of threat models. We show that untargeted attacks on state-of-the-art actor-critic algorithms can circumvent existing defenses built on the assumption of backdoors being targeted. We evaluated TrojDRL on a broad set of DRL benchmarks and showed that the attacks require only poisoning as little as 0.025% of the training data. Compared with existing works of backdoor attacks on classification models, TrojDRL provides a first step towards understanding the vulnerability of DRL agents.