title: “Neuro-symbolic Inference for Internet Of Battlefield Things (Army Research Lab) [SRI funding: 1.6M]” summary: ' ' # In the future, military operations will rely less on human soldiers and more on interconnected technology, leveraging advancements in embedded systems and machine intelligence in order to achieve superior defense capabilities. The Internet of Battlefield Things will connect soldiers with smart technology in armor, radios, weapons, and other objects, to give troops “extra sensory” perception, offer situational understanding, endow fighters with prediction powers, provide better risk assessment, and develop shared intuitions. The initiative is a collaborative research alliance (CRA) between the Army Research Lab, academia, and industry. The research at SRI in this CRA is centered around Principles of Robust Learning and Neuro-symbolic Inference. tags:
- Deep Learning date: “2018-04-27T00:00:00Z”
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Abstract: In the future, military operations will rely less on human soldiers and more on interconnected technology, leveraging advancements in embedded systems and machine intelligence in order to achieve superior defense capabilities. The Internet of Battlefield Things will connect soldiers with smart technology in armor, radios, weapons, and other objects, to give troops “extra sensory” perception, offer situational understanding, endow fighters with prediction powers, provide better risk assessment, and develop shared intuitions. The initiative is a collaborative research alliance (CRA) between the Army Research Lab, academia, and industry. The research at SRI in this CRA is centered around Principles of Robust Learning and Neuro-Symbolic Inference.

Susmit Jha
Technical Director, NuSCI
My research interests include artificial intelligence, formal methods, machine learning and dynamical systems.